Communication Partner Instruction in AAC: SMoRRESTM and Partner Augmented Input


Evidence-based research supports the use of partner-augmented input (PAI), also known as aided language modeling, as an intervention strategy for individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). There are multiple bene-fits of modeling AAC use, but how can this be done effectively across a child’s many environments? All of a child’s communication partners must be taught how to model on the child’s speech generating device (SGD) to create an immersion environment for learning the new language!
Day 1 (required*) is an introductory SMoRRESTM level 1 session appropriate for all communication partners including speech-language pathologists, teachers, in-structional assistants, and other professionals who work with children using AAC, as well as for parents and caregivers of children using AAC. Participants will set goals for the training, learn why modeling is so important, verbally rehearse the steps to successful modeling, see videos of modeling in the classroom and home, and practice modeling. NOTE: A communication device, app, emulation software, book or board is required to participate in a variety of interactive, hands-on training activities designed for learning or improving modeling skills.
Day 2 is an intermediate, SMoRRESTM level 2 session organized to teach participants the 8-step, evidence-based instructional program used to intro-duce participants to modeling on Day 1. This instructional program can be used to teach adult communication partners such as parents and educators to model on their children’s or students’ devices across environments. Participants will learn the steps involved in implementing the communication partner training program and will be provided with a DVD and a printed manual to enable them to employ the program in their own practices.
* Day 1 is a prerequisite for day 2. Participants who have already attended a full-day SMoRRESTM Level 1 Training (see below for a list of qualifying workshops) may waive registration for day 1 by submitting a course
completion certificate.
SMoRRESTM Level 1 Trainings:
- Ingredients to Successful Modeling: SMoRRESTM and Partner-Augmented
- Partner-Augmented Input: Modeling AAC in the Classroom.
- Communication Partner Instruction in Partner-Augmented Input: 8 Steps to Success Day 1


Location Webinar
Date 3/7/2025 8:00 AM - 3/8/2025 4:00 PM (Check in 8:00 AM)
Sponsor Easterseals Dupage & Fox Valley
Trainer Jill E. Senner & Matthew Baud
Contact Kim Sydello (630) 261-6191
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 5.5 - Intervention
Cost $450
Status Open