Description |
This is an ongoing professional development series designed to use reflection-based case consultation to explore work with EI clients, other providers and intersecting systems. Reflection-based work is a process where reassurance comes from encouraged autonomy, capacity building and intentional self-awareness. Vignettes and field experiences will be explored using a facilitated group process with adherence to reflective practice principles. Consideration of the “use of professional self” as an essential practice tool to inform and enhance service delivery will be emphasized. Each series topic will utilize the FAN approach for engagement, be sensitive to cultural diversity, practitioner diversity, and overall needs of the series participants. Practitioners will present current cases focusing on strengths, challenges, and self-determined next steps. The consultation meeting will be facilitated by the CFC Social-Emotional Consultant or a member of the CFC #4 SSIP Local Leadership Team (LLT).
These sessions have been approved for the following IL EI credits:
Coaching: Tips and Tricks-1.25 INT
Cotreating: Tips and Tricks-1.25 INT
Family Engagement: Tips and Tricks-1.25 WWF
When to Call DCFS-1 WWF
EI IFSP Team Collaboration-1.25 INT
Finding Resources-1.25 WWF
Finding Team Consensus-1.25 INT
Medical Diagnostics-1.25 AS
Mental Health Post-COVID-1.25 WWF
Screen Time-1.25 WWF
Supporting Social-Emotional Development-1.25 INT
Open Forum Discussion-1.25 WWF
Medical vs Developmental Model Perspectives-1.25 ATY
IFSP Strategies-1.25 INT
Child Outcome Summaries-1.25 INT
High Quality Functional IFSP Outcomes-1.25 INT
Frequency Changes Post IFSP-1.25 INT
Effective Use of LVV-1.25 INT
Effective Use of Hybrid Approach-1.25 INT
EI Clearinghouse Use-1.25 WWF
DC:0-5 in Early Intervention-0.75AS, 0.5 ATY
Self-Care in EI-1.25 WWF
Provider Case Consultation-1.25 WWF
Screening Tools in EI-1.25 AS
Use of Intake Information-1.25 WWF
Foundational Pillars of EI-1.25 WWF