# 330 Sensory Systems: The Effect on Postural Control … Understanding and Incorporating Sensory Strategies in NDT Treatment


Client function and participation can be severely impaired when the sensory systems are not functioning optimally. Children that have neuropsychiatric or neuromuscular impairment may have postural control issues that are compounded by sensory system dysfunction.

This intermediate level course using the NDT problem-solving approach will contain lecture, treatment videos and live demonstration treatment to illustrate potential presentation, and subsequent treatment strategies for sensory system dysfunction. This course is for OT’s, PT’s, SLP’s and their assistants that work with children that have delayed development or neuromuscular system impairment.
Participants will improve their clinical decision making skills by analyzing the complex inter-relationship of function, multi-system behaviors, and single system integrities when working with children who have posture and movement dysfunction.

The importance of understanding the role of the cerebellum, the sensory systems and postural control will be emphasized. The details of blending of the sensory systems and NDT handling strategies will be emphasized. Various video examples and discussion will be utilized to integrate this information. These CEU's can also be used toward NDTA re-certification.

Location Webinar

Date 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 (Check in 8:00 AM)
Sponsor Motivations, Inc.
Trainer Gail Ritchie, OTR, C/NDT and Brenda Lindsay, PT, C/NDT
Contact JANE HUDSON BOSTON (803) 417-6533 jboston@motivationsceu.com
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 4.0 - Assessment
10.0 - Intervention
Cost $495
Cut Off Date 12/31/2024
Status Closed