#7320 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Verbal Behavior


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a common developmental disorder. It affects both behavior and
communication. ASD requires a multidisciplinary approach due to the complexity of the disorder. The course provided
real and practical techniques for therapists and parents to employ when working with this population. We discussed
helpful strategies based on Stanley Greenspan’s Floortime Model, how to use these training techniques to improve
language development and will focus on Verbal Behavior (VB) therapy.
This therapy type teaches communication and language. It is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and
theories brought to light B.F. Skinner. This type of therapy allows the student to be successful more often and reduces
their frustration by teaching the child that their words are connected to their purpose. It teaches why words are used and
how they can help the child gain their desired need/want. After attending the course, participants are able to gain a more
thorough understanding of VB therapy and how to make learning language a motivating task for children. Attendees can
take what they were presented and immediately incorporate it into their practice

Location Webinar
Date 1/1/2024 7:30 PM - 12/31/2024 10:30 PM (Check in 7:30 PM)
Sponsor Motivations, Inc.
Trainer Amy M Prince, MA-CCC, SLP, BCBA and Amber Ladd, MA-CCC, SLP, BCBA
Contact JANE HUDSON BOSTON (803) 417-6533 jboston@motivationsceu.com
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
5. Comprehensive plans
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
Credit Hours 3.0 - Intervention
Cost $65
Cut Off Date 12/31/2024
Status Closed