Transition Planning with Families


The transition planning process begins as soon as a family enters the early intervention system. Of course, transition planning is not always on the minds of families, so the service coordinator begins the discussion and builds on it with families after they move through the EI process. This workshop will be specifically devoted to learning about the transition options in our local community and better understanding how to support families in considering the options.

Location CFC #11
945 W. George St. #300
Chicago, IL 60657
Date 2/29/2012 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Check in 1:00 PM)
Sponsor CFC #11
Trainer Gina DelPra - CPS and Maria Kastanis, CFC #11
Contact Theresa Atchley (312) 942-7856
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.5 - Working with Families
Cost free
Status Closed