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As clinicians treating individuals with central nervous system dysfunction, such as cerebral palsy,
congenital hypotonia and other multi-system impairments, we can make advances in our clinical decision making skills by establishing hypotheses regarding the critical impairments that we observe in our assessments and be more precise in our treatment sessions. This 2-day, hands-on lab intensive seminar is designed to further enhance the ability to treat individual’s with CNS dysfunction. We will briefly review the current Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach principles and rationales that support our treatment planning and the strategies used within a treatment session.
Development of your handling skills will be emphasized as a way to influence multi-system and single system impairments related to the clients’s functional outcomes. Development of specific handling skills related to in-effective posture and movement behaviors observed in the neurologically challenged client will be the primary focus of this seminar. The focus is on pediatrics however because the labs are practiced with adults the information is applicable to the adult population. Course instruction method includes: lecture, lab experience, demonstration, videos, case studies and question/answers.
Discussion of therapeutic intervention and the clinical decision-making process will be discussed. A combination of didactic, video examples, laboratory learning experiences and patient demonstration will ensure the integration of NDT as a foundation for intervention. These CEU's can also be used toward NDTA re-certification.