Understanding Family Participation Fee Policy and Implications for family and Therapists


An in-depth presentation on the Family Participation Fee Policy and Implications for family and Therapists.
Family Participation Fee is a well-established component of Early Intervention. This component though well established is not well understood. Families and Therapists seek both an understanding of the Family Participation Fee and more detailed information about the Family Participation Fee when a problem arises, generally related to the family incurring the liability for their Famly Participation Fee and/or when payment of the Family Participation Fee is coming due for payment.

Location Webinar
Date 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 11:59 PM
Sponsor ICG Rehab Services
Trainer Bob Cammarata
Contact Bob Cammarata (312) 943-3600 continuinged@icgrehab.com
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
Credit Hours 1.5 - Working with Families
Cost 50.00 for the session. No cost for ICG Therapist's
Cut Off Date 12/31/2024
Status Closed