Feeding Therapy: A sensory motor approach


Comprehensive feeding course designed to discuss how structure impacts function in the orofacial region and the impact the sensory system can have on feeding challenges. This course
provides clear-cut task analyses for assessing breast/bottle feeding, spoon feeding, straw drinking and cup drinking
through sharing evidence-based techniques and how to implement into practice.

Location Chicago Pediatric Therapy and Wellness Center
1739 N Elston Ave
Chicago, IL 60642
Date 7/17/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Check in 11:45 AM)
Sponsor CPTWC
Trainer Kelli Bayne
Contact Kelli Bayne (773) 687-9241 Kelli.Bayne@cptwc.com
Principles 8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.0 - Intervention
Status Closed