Feeding Challenges in Infants, Toddlers and Beyond: Learn Critical Thinking Skills to Safely Manage Difficult Feeding & Swallowing Cases – The BRIDGE Approach


Learn tools and strategies to guide your clinical decision-making process for assessment and treatment of a child with complex feeding issues. Pediatric dysphagia presents many challenges as multiple developmental and physiological factors impact the ability to eat or drink safely and efficiently. BRIDGE provides a multifaceted, collaborative assessment and treatment approach that provides therapists with the tools to think critically when working through difficult cases

Location Webinar

Date 5/9/2023 6:00 PM - 5/18/2023 9:15 PM (Check in 5:40 PM)
Sponsor Education Resources, Inc
Trainer Anais Villaluna & Dana Kizer
Contact Debora DeBello (508) 359-6533 ddebello@educationresourcesinc.com
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 3.0 - Assessment
1.0 - Atypical Development
3.75 - Intervention
1.5 - Typical Development
1.5 - Working with Families
Cost 369
Status Closed