CFC 15 - Facilitating Attuned INteractions/Engage and Attune Reflective Practice Group


This ongoing reflective, facilitated discussion group is open to CFC 15 service coordinators and providers who have attended a FAN – Facilitating Attuned Interactions - “Engage and Attune to Families” training. This group is meant to be a place of support and reflection for those who are using or want to begin using the FAN approach in their work. Meetings will consist of facilitated discussion and sharing of field experiences and case vignettes. This year we will take a deeper dive into reflective practice and the FAN tenets of Feeling/Empathic Inquiry and Thinking/Collaborative Exploration.
Exploration of the following concepts related to the FAN approach will be embedded in the process.

*The following sessions are approved for IL EI credits:
1. Relationship building in EI – Connection--1.5 WWF
2. The power of feeling heard and understood – Empathy-1.5 WWF
3. Intrapersonal Attunement then Interpersonal Attunement – having an awareness of our own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. -1.5 WWF
4. Discuss & Review ways to Holding feelings. -1.5 WWF
5. Discuss & Review ways to Validating feelings. -1.5 WWF
6. Discuss & Review ways to Exploring feelings. -1.5 WWF
7. Discuss & Review ways to Bridging feelings. -1.5 WWF
8. Collaborative Exploration – Thinking with the family and the value of checking our assumptions. -1.5 WWF
9. Having challenging conversations with families. (Talking about concerns, referrals for additional evaluations, supporting the family after getting a diagnosis, and relationship challenges.) -1.5 WWF
10. The ARC of Engagement and how it supports your goal of connection-1.5 WWF
11. The 3 R’s - Regulate and Relate in order to Reason (Bruce Perry). -1.5 WWF
12. Attachment – Feeling safe, seen, soothed, and secure (Dan Siegel) -1.5 WWF

Location Child & Family Connections 15 - online via zoom
2300 Glenwood Ave
Joliet, IL 60435
Date 1/30/2023 1:00 PM - 12/29/2023 2:30 PM (Check in 12:55 PM)
Sponsor Child & Family Connections 15
Trainer Mary Valerius, SEC
Contact Mary Valerius (815) 768-3329
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 0
Cost NA
Status Closed