APTA Pediatrics Annual Conference 2022: What Do You Know About Prenatal Drug Exposure? Motor, Cognitive, Neurobehavior and the Gut-brain Connection


Motor development and early movement experiences have a cascading effect on how an infant interacts with the world. Infants born with prenatal drug exposure can present with functional limitations in their feeding, digestion, neurobehavior and movement system and restrict participation in family interactions and play. In this session, the speakers will describe how prenatal drug exposure may increase risk for future developmental delays in visual motor perception and growth trajectories with the gut brain connection. They will discuss the intersectionality of maternal diet, gut biomes, early memory formation, functional movement, and neurobehavior within a prospective study. Findings highlight the parallel of early developmental windows for the gut microbiota and the nervous system during prenatal to postnatal of life. Case examples with outcome measures, nutritional assessment, visual-perceptual, motor, and neurobehavioral interventions will enhance attendees' understanding. Emphasis on interprofessional interventions to impact participation with infants' learning and interaction with the environment and caregivers. Clinicians will take away tools for evaluation and resources to develop interventions.

Location Hilton Portland Downtown
921 SW Sixth Ave
Portland, OR 97204
Date 11/19/2022 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Sponsor APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy
Trainer Kara Boynewicz, PhD, PT, DPT, ATC
Contact APTA Pediatrics (800) 970-5051 info@pediatricapta.org
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
6. Periodic monitoring
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
Credit Hours 0.5 - Assessment
0.5 - Atypical Development
0.5 - Intervention
Status Closed