CFC #4 Local Leadership Team Reflective Series 2022


This is an ongoing professional development series designed to use reflection-based case consultation to explore work with EI clients, other providers and intersecting systems. Reflection-based work is a process where reassurance comes from encouraged autonomy, capacity building and intentional self-awareness. Vignettes and field experiences will be explored using a facilitated group process with adherence to reflective practice principles. Consideration of the “use of professional self” as an essential practice tool to inform and enhance service delivery will be emphasized. Each series topic will utilize the FAN approach for engagement, be sensitive to cultural diversity, practitioner diversity, and overall needs of the series participants. Practitioners will present current cases focusing on strengths, challenges, and self-determined next steps. The consultation meeting will be facilitated by the CFC Social-Emotional Consultant or a member of the CFC #4 SSIP Local Leadership Team (LLT).

General themes and concepts embedded in ongoing discussions include:

*The following sessions are approved for IL EI credits:
• Co-treating in the Early Intervention System-1.25 INT
• Early Intervention Team Communication- 0.75 WWF, 0.5 ATY
• Teaming When Trauma is Present –0.75 ATY, 0.5 INT
• Thinking Outside the Box- 1.25 WWF
• Embedding Change into Daily Family Routines-1.25 WWF
• When Do I Ask for a Psych/Social Work Evaluation-0.75 INT, 0.5 WWF
• Empowering Families and Supporting Resilience- 1.25 WWF
• Strategies for Working with Challenging to Serve Families- 1.25 WWF
• Family Stressors and Protective Factors- 1.25 WWF
• Working with Interpreters-1.25 WWF
• Finding Joy in Our Work Again-1.25 WWF
• Working with parents that Co-parent-1.25 WWF
• Collaborating with Home Visitation Programs-1.25 WWF

Location CFC #4
1551 E Fabyan Pkwy
Geneva, IL 60134
Date 2/1/2022 8:00 AM - 12/31/2022 5:00 PM
Sponsor CFC #4
Trainer Tamara Livingston and SSIP Leadership members
Contact Tamara Livingston (630) 664-2129
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 0
Cost free to CFC #4 staff
Status Closed