The Exceptional Child: Empowered!


This conference covered a range of topics in these five areas: orofacial myofunctional
therapy, tethered oral tissues, feeding, speech and breathing.

These sessions ONLY, have been awarded the following IL EI credits:

May 8, 2020
-10-11AM EDT
*Infant Tongue Ties and Post Op Stretch-0.5 ATY, 0.5 INT
-11:15AM-12:15PM EDT
*Foundations in Manual Therapy: Voice and Swallowing Disorders-1 INT
-12:30-1:30PM EDT
*Typical vs. Atypical Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders-0.5 ATY, 0.5 TYP
-2-3PM EDT
*Jaw Development, Airway and Orthodontics: Case Study-0.5 ATY, 0.25 AS, 0.25 INT
-3:30-4:30PM EDT
*Title: Mitigating Potential Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders Through Early Feeding Intervention-

May 11, 2020
-11-12PM EDT
*Clinical Strategies for Childhood Apraxia of Speech with the K-SLP Methods-1 INT
-12:30-1:30PM EDT
*Essentials of "r" Remediation-1 INT
-2-3PM EDT
*Title: Apraxia Isn’t the Primary Diagnosis, Where Do I Start?-0.5 ATY, 0.5 INT

May 12, 2020
-11-12PM EDT
*Helping Pediatric Patients Thrive: Improved Feeding, Speaking and Sleeping After Tongue-Tie Releases-1 ATY
-2-3PM EST
*Title: Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) for Clients with the Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy-1 INT
-4-5PM EST
*From Vowels to Conversation-1 INT

MAY 13, 2020
-11-12PM EST
*Manual Therapy - How "Hands-on" Helps with Oral Motor Dysfunction-1 INT
-2-3PM EST
*In Plain Sight: "Facing" Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders-0.5 ATY, 0.25 AS, 0.25 INT
-3:30-4:30PM EST
*A Respectful and Practical Approach to Addressing Challenging Behavior-0.5 ATY, 0.25 AS, 0.25 INT

May 14, 2020
-11-12PM EST
*Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing and Maxillofacial Development: The Impact of Oral Motor Development and Tongue Mobility-0.5 ATY, 0.5 INT
-12:30PM-1:30PM EST
*Mouth Breathing: Symptoms, Complications and Treatments-0.5 ATY, 0.5 INT
-2-3PM EST
*How Your Pediatric Provider Works With You: What Are They Thinking?-0.5 ATY, 0.5 TYP
-3:30P-4:30PM EST
*Speech Clarity in the Down Syndrome Population-1 ATY
-5-6PM EST
*TOTs Ticking Over Time: From Pre- to Post-Op Care Across, the Lifespan-0.5 ATY

May 15, 2020
-11-12PM EST
*Differences Between Breast and Bottle-0.5 ATY, 0.5 TYP
-12:30-1:30PM EST
*Tools, Tips and Tastes: Easy and Fun Strategies for Kids to Learn to Love Vegetables-1 INT
-2-3PM EST
*Early Intervention Feeding: Coaching Families to Success-0.5 INT, 0.5 WWF
-3:30-4:30 PM EST
*Wound Healing: Factors to Consider for Best Outcomes in Pre- and Post-Frenectomy Care-1 INT

*Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) for Clients with a Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy-0.5 ATY, 0.5 INT
-3:30-4:30 PM EST
*TOTs Ticking Over Time - From Pre- to Post Op Care Across the Lifespan- 0.5 ATY

Location Teleconference

Date 5/8/2020 - 5/15/2020
Sponsor TalkTools
Contact Lisa Tola (843) 273-8808
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
7. Ongoing communication & collaboration
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 0
Cost $299
Status Closed