Supporting the Social Emotional Development of Children During Covid


Workshop will focus on how to offer support, parent/child activity ideas and an environment that will support the social emotional development of children birth to 3 during the covid pandemic. Participants will learn ways to support parents in understanding the stages of social and emotional development and ways that parents support this process. Hands on activities will be discussed as well as creative ways to use technology that is developmentally appropriate

Location CFC #4 via zoom
Date 4/30/2021 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Check in 9:00 AM)
Sponsor DayOnePACT
Trainer Tamara Livingston
Contact Tamara Livingston (630) 482-7631
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
Credit Hours 0.75 - Intervention
0.5 - Typical Development
0.75 - Working with Families
Cost free to CFC #4 staff
Status Closed