When Children Won't Eat: Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders. Assessment and Treatment Using the SOS Approach to Feeding


The Sequential Oral Sensory (S.O.S) Approach to Feeding is a trans-disciplinary program for assessing and treating children with feeding difficulties and weight/growth problems from birth to 18 years. It integrates posture, sensory, motor, behavioral/learning, medical, and nutritional factors to comprehensively evaluate and manage children with feeding/growth problems.

Location Webinar

Date 4/8/2021 8:00 AM - 4/11/2021 5:15 PM (Check in 7:20 AM)
Sponsor Education Resources, Inc.
Trainer Kay Toomey
Contact Debora DeBello (508) 359-6533 ddebello@educationresourcesinc.com
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 3.0 - Assessment
6.0 - Atypical Development
15.0 - Intervention
3.0 - Typical Development
3.0 - Working with Families
Cost 750
Status Closed