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This is an ongoing, reflective, facilitated discussion group open to CFC 25 providers. Some providers attended the FAN -Facilitating Attuned Interactions - training. This group is meant to be a place of support and reflection for those who are implementing or want to begin implementing the FAN approach in their work and to increase their reflective capacity in working with other professionals and families.
Meetings will consist of facilitated discussion and sharing of field experiences and case vignettes with a focus on FAN concepts and reflective practice. Participants will bring their work to the group and we will utilize the Experience-based case consultation to explore the work from multiple perspectives.
Exploration of the following IECMH concepts will be embedded in the process.
The following sessions only have been approved for IL EI credits:
1. Integrating the FAN Approach into Your Work -1.5 WWF
2. Using Calming and Mindful Self Regulation-1.5 WWF
3. Being a Calm Center for Change-1.5 WWF
4. Using Feeling and Empathic Inquiry-1.5 WWF
5. Theory of Change-Feeling Connected and Understood-1.5 WWF
6. Match, Mismatch, and Repair-1.5 WWF
7. Thinking and Collaborative Exploration with Parents: Seeing the child the parent sees-1.5 WWF
8. Doing and Capacity Building-Say it in one breath-1.5 WWF
9. The Arc of Engagement-1.5 WWF
10. Reflecting and Integration -1.5 WWF
11. Challenges when using the FAN-1.5 WWF
12. Family Cultures, Diversity and EI 1.5 WWF
13. Assessing and Addressing Family Stressors and Protective Factors 1.5 WWF
14. The effect of Trauma on family functioning and child development 1.5 WWF
FAN or Facilitating Attuned Interactions is an Infant Mental Health approach to working with families of young children. The approach helps the provider recognize when they are dysregulated and when they are calm and teaches them strategies to regulate in the moment. This is called Mindful Self-Regulation. The approach helps the provider be the calm center in interactions with families in order to engage the family in supporting their child's development. The approach helps the provider listen to, acknowledge and empathize with the family-this is called Empathic Inquiry. The provider is guided to see how interactions can be attuned (matched) or mis-attuned (mis-matched) and how to repair these interactions. The approach guides the provider through other communication processes that involve exploring what the family knows about their child's development, what they are concerned about and how they see intervention working for their family. Additional topics for the facilitated groups will include risk factors families face, how trauma affects the family and how protective factors can aid in family resilience. The ARC of Engagement refers to the flow of the visit-how to follow the families lead and to transition between topics respectfully and with the families' permission.