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This ongoing reflective, facilitated discussion group is open to CFC 15 service coordinators and providers who have attended a FAN – Facilitating Attuned Interactions - “Engage and Attune to Families” training. This group is meant to be a place of support and reflection for those who are using or want to begin using the FAN approach in their work. Meetings will consist of facilitated discussion and sharing of field experiences and case vignettes, with a focus on FAN concepts and reflective practice. Exploration of the following concepts related to the FAN approach will be embedded in the process.
1. Tuning In and Meeting the Family where they are on the FAN: Where do you begin?-1.5 WWF
2. Review of Mindful Self-Regulation – What works for you?-1.5 WWF
3. Review of Empathic Inquiry: Holding & Validating feelings-1.5 WWF
4. Review of Empathic Inquiry: Exploring & Containing feelings-1.5 WWF
5. Review of Collaborative Exploration & Capacity Building – Thinking & Doing-1.5 WWF
6. Review of Integration – Reflecting-1.5 WWF
7. Using the FAN in different situations: questions for more experienced practitioners from those new to using the FAN.-1.5 WWF
8. Navigating using the FAN when working with EI team members who are not familiar with the FAN approach.-1.5 WWF
9. The value of Pausing & Holding: Don’t just do something, sit there.-1.5 WWF
10. Sharing Information: Say it in one drop-1.5 WWF
11. Using the FAN in all EI Disciplines – How to use the FAN as a service coordinator and as an EI provider-1.5 WWF
12. Mismatch and repair: Building the relationship-1.5 WWF
13. Using the FAN during LVV-1.5 WWF