DCFS Mandated Reporter


The purpose of this webinar is to help all Illinois Mandated Reporters understand their critical role in protecting children by recognizing and reporting child abuse.

As professionals who work with children, mandated reporters are assumed to be in the best position to recognize and report child abuse and neglect as soon as possible. Mandated reporters are the state’s “early warning system” to identify probable abuse early enough to avoid serious and long-term damage to a child. The State’s primary goal is to protect the child and, whenever
possible, to stabilize and preserve the family so that it may remain intact.

Everyone who suspects child abuse or neglect should call the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline to make a report, but Mandated Reporters are required by law to do so.

Location Webinar

Date 12/4/2020 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (Check in 1:00 PM)
Sponsor Child & Family Connections
Trainer Erin Alexander, Psy.D
Contact Monica Patrick (773) 830-5224 monica.patrick@hektoen.org
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.5 - Working with Families
Cost Free
Status Closed