Complications of Prematurity: An Early Intervention Perspective


This training is an overview of prematurity, including definition based on weight and age, incidence of prematurity, and the demographics (both lifestyle and medical) of women giving birth early. The discussion is geared towards Service Coordinators increasing their understanding of prematurity. The Intake Questionnaire is examined in detail so that the Service Coordinator understands why she is asking questions about pregnancy and infant complications. Long term developmental outcomes of prematurity are discussed. Finally, considerations of how we can support families in early intevention is focused on.

Location Child and Family Connections 10
1525 East 55th Street
Suite 203
Chicago, IL 60615
Date 11/25/2019 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Check in 9:15 AM)
Sponsor La Rabida Children's Hospital
Trainer Edith Chernoff, MD
Contact Kay Komie (773) 324-7434
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 2.0 - Assessment
Cost Free
Status Closed