Primitive Reflexes: Strategies to Promote Integration Strengthening Foundational Skills


Hone your skills in the evaluation and treatment of primitive reflexes through interactive labs and case studies by utilizing a functional and play-based approach. This approach provides your pediatric clients with the foundation they need to reach function goals more quickly. Labs to allow therapists to practice the evaluation skills and walk away with the tools, resources, and supporting research to effectively treat their clients and improve functional outcomes.

Location BDI Playhouse children's Therapy
Aurora, IL
Date 12/6/2019 8:00 AM - 12/7/2019 4:30 PM (Check in 8:00 AM)
Sponsor Education Resources
Contact Barbara Offringa (508) 359-6533
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 4.0 - Assessment
2.0 - Atypical Development
6.0 - Intervention
2.0 - Typical Development
Cost $435.00
Status Closed