Mind Matters


Mind Matters: Fostering Theory of Mind in Young Children with Hearing Loss
Social emotional skills are the foundation to functional relationships with friends, family and peers. Theory of Mind is a critical component of social emotional development that allows people to take the perspective of others. Due to a variety of converging factors, research has shown that many children with hearing loss have delayed or disordered Theory of Mind development, negatively impacting their ability to form strong relationships with others. These deficits, which may appear even in infancy, have the potential to ripple across an individual’s lifespan. It is therefore essential to teach Early Interventionists how to coach families on goals, activities and strategies to target pre-Theory of Mind skills in order to minimize deficits before they occur. This workshop is tailored to therapists working in Early Intervention. It will present an overview of typical and atypical Theory of Mind development within the wider context of social emotional skills in order to provide therapists with a foundation to explain why it is a critical component of therapy. Throughout the workshop, participants will receive resources that they can take back to their clinic and share with their clients. Participants will also receive specific activities that target the pre-development of Theory of Mind. Through collaboration and group work, participants will discover why it is critical to target these skills when children are under 3 years old, and will feel empowered to begin implementing activities, strategies and resources during their next therapy session.

Location Lurie Children’s Hospital
225 E. Chicago
Chicago, IL 60611
Date 9/30/2019 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Check in 9:00 AM)
Sponsor Lurie Children's Hospital
Trainer Landon Lacey and Michael Douglas
Contact Jennifer Haney (312) 227-3069 jhaney@luriechildrens.org
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
4. Specific IFSP goals
Credit Hours 0.5 - Assessment
3.0 - Atypical Development
1.5 - Intervention
1.5 - Typical Development
Cost Free
Status Closed