Utilizing NDT in Pediatric Practice


This course will cover the multisystem adverse effects of critical illness and the impact the sequelae have on the rehabilitation process. The current philosophy is for early mobilization to decrease the rate of functional deficits and disability. In this medical model the therapist needs to have a sharp set of skills in assessment and optimal interventions given the activity tolerance of the patient. This course will discuss the interpretation of vital signs beyond the basics and system review as it relates to critical illness. The participants will gain a clinical decision framework to determine medical stability and exercise tolerance that will improve the exercise prescription of patients recovering from critical illness. This course will also focus on understanding dyspnea and fatigue which are two common barriers to activity tolerance. The participants will learn how to examine chest wall mechanics, breathing pattern, cough effectiveness and incorporate interventions to improve function. This course will explore the evidence for advanced intervention for patients on advanced medical support devices and who are suffering from the common iatrogenic effects of hospitalization. Participants will be engaged in a case study to discuss integration of clinical information and problem solving for a successful patient encounter.

Location Pathways Center
Chicago, IL
Date 8/2/2019 8:00 AM - 8/3/2019 4:00 PM (Check in 7:30 AM)
Sponsor Education Resources, Inc
Trainer Jackie Grimenstein
Contact Debora DeBello (508) 359-6533 ddebello@educationresourcesinc.com
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 3.5 - Atypical Development
10.0 - Intervention
Cost 435.00
Status Closed