Working through Challenging Situations with Families


While working in Early Intervention, we encounter many unique family situations. It is our roll to establish rapport, and show respect and understanding for all the families we work with. We are to handle situations that may arise delicately and respectfully. It is important that we attune to our family's needs and priorities while working with the child. Some situations we encounter in the home require problem solving with other EI professionals about ideas and strategies, and when to refer for additional help. This workshop is a guided discussion to allow providers the space to process and/or ask for help or guidance when working with families where challenging situations arise.

Location Panera
2360 South IL-59
Plainfield, IL 60586
Date 3/29/2018 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM (Check in 6:45 PM)
Sponsor Little Talkers Speech and Language Therapy LLC
Trainer Jessica Patnoudes
Contact Jessica Patnoudes (708) 738-0852
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
5. Comprehensive plans
Credit Hours 2.0 - Working with Families
Cost free
Status Closed