Introduction to ABA Therapy


This workshop is a good introduction to what ABA is and how to identify a child who would benefit from ABA therapy. We will explore the process to refer a child, ABA evaluation, and starting an ABA program. Different samples of ABA programs will be presented. We will discuss how the EI therapists can work with the BCBA and ABA therapists to provide a comprehensive program for the family and the child.

Location Assential Therapies, Inc.
422 N. Northwest Hwy, Ste #210
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Date 2/21/2019 6:30 PM - 2/12/2019 8:00 PM (Check in 6:15 PM)
Sponsor Assential Therapies, Inc.
Trainer Danielle Markowitz, M.Ed, BCBA and Casey Trasatti, M.S., BCBA
Contact Amy Bye (847) 699-9757
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
5. Comprehensive plans
Credit Hours 1.5 - Intervention
Cost free
Status Closed