Pediatric Orthopedic Dysfunction (Duda)


There are approximately 200 hospitals for children in the US. For many families who cannot access their rehab services, they must rely on local outpatient clinics to provide therapy services for their children. Pediatric orthopedics is a challenging field relying on knowledge of developmental norms and evidence-based treatment intervention. Successful outcomes in pediatrics depend on clinicians prescribing customized stretching, strengthening, and positioning strategies that children will be successful at performing.

This one of a kind workshop will review the developmental progression of motor skills and supply clinicians with ideas and resources to implement immediately with their pediatric patients. Attendees will also tune up their observation skills related to posture, functional mobility, and gait to help understand the need for further referrals to medical specialties such as orthopedics, neurology, and rheumatology. As practicing rehabilitation professionals working with young patients, when outcomes count, understanding and treating children respecting their age and stage, instead of as “little adults” is everything.

Location Holiday Inn Chicago North Shore
5300 West Touhy Ave
Skokie, IL 60077
Date 3/21/2019 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Check in 7:30 AM)
Sponsor Summit Professional Education
Trainer Crystal Duda, MSPT
Contact Customer Service (800) 433-9570
Principles 2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
Credit Hours 1.0 - Assessment
0.5 - Atypical Development
1.0 - Intervention
0.5 - Typical Development
Status Closed