Unscrambling the Oral Alphabet


Many infants and young toddlers receive treatment for feeding difficulties. This talk will explore how the anatomy of a child's mouth may contribute to difficulties with eating. Specifically, presenters will discuss how the frenulum of the tongue and lip relate to breastfeeding, chewing, and swallowing. They will present information to help partitioners in Early Intervention identify when a family may need to be referred to a specialist and what type of further intervention may be appropriate. Presenters will discuss how different team members can support a family when a child may have a lip or tongue tie. There will be a section of the talk dedicated to helping therapists navigate difficult discussions relating to lip and tongue tie, as parents may be offered conflicting information from professionals and other online resources.

Location Albany Park Police Station
4650 N Pulaski Road
Community Meeting Room
Chicago, IL 60630
Date 3/14/2019 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (Check in 6:15 PM)
Sponsor Chicago Feeding Group
Trainer Cissy Furusho, DDS, MS and Kirk Kollmann, DMD
Contact Karen Dilfer, MS, OTRL (847) 293-9559 karen@chicagofeedinggroup.org
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
Credit Hours 0.5 - Atypical Development
1.0 - Intervention
0.5 - Working with Families
Cost $20
Status Closed