Building Blocks to AAC Success - Block 2: Communication Partner Strategies


In this 90-minute block on augmentative alternative communication (AAC), participants will learn about best practice strategies for the communication partner. This class will cover creating the right learning environment as well as creating communication opportunities. While taking a client-centered approach, participants will learn how to model, prompt and respond during AAC intervention. The class will conclude by reviewing some signs of success. Through demonstration, video and practice exercises, participants will learn about the fundamentals of AAC intervention.

This class is intended for anyone interested in learning about the fundamentals of AAC. It's appropriate for parents and therapy professionals alike.

Devices are not required for this training, but participants are encouraged to bring any AAC system they have in order to get the most hands-on practice with strategies throughout the training. A small set of AAC devices will be provided by the trainer.

Location Eyas Landing
1409 W Carroll Ave
Chicago, OH 60607
Date 3/13/2019 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (Check in 6:00 PM)
Sponsor Eyas Landing & PRC
Trainer Jennifer Vallier, MA, CCC-SLP
Contact Seminar Registration Coordinators (800) 262-1984
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 2.0 - Intervention
Cost Free
Status Closed