EI and Home Visiting for the Service Coordinator


This workshop will describe and explain the home visiting services, eligibility, and how they can partner with EI services to support the family and optimize the effectiveness of Early Intervention. We will review the referral and intake procedure for home visiting.

Location DayOnePACT
1551 East Fabyan Parkway
Geneva, IL 60134
Date 7/12/2018 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Check in 11:45 AM)
Sponsor DayOnePACT
Trainer Joanne McCrory SEC
Contact Joanne McCrory SEC (630) 482-7631 jmccrory@dayonepact.org
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
Credit Hours 1.0 - Working with Families
Cost 0
Status Closed