Using the Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) in Early Intervention


This course is intended for PT's and OT's who evaluate and treat very young infants in the Illinois Early Intervention Program. Learning objectives include the following:
1. Participants will learn about several research studies related to the development of the TIMP.
2. Participants will learn to administer and score the TIMP.
3. Participants will learn how to derive age equivalent scores, percentile rankings, percentage of delay and Z-Scores from TIMP raw scores in order to qualify infant for EI services.
4. Participants will learn how the TIMP is used to diagnose motor delay in order to qualify for EI, how it is used for intervention planning, parent education about motor development and home exercise program prescription, and lastly how it is used to measure change in motor performance over time through clinical case examples from real EI case files.
The course format will include PowerPoint presentations, hands on practice on baby dolls, video scoring examples and case studies.

*Participants MUST attend both dates: 3/18/2018 and 3/25/2018, in order to receive ANY IL EI credits.

Location Oak Park Public Library
834 Lake St
Oak Park, IL 60301
Date 3/18/2018 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM (Check in 1:00 PM)
Sponsor Laura Zawacki, MS, PT, PCS
Trainer Laura Zawacki, MS, PT, PCS
Contact Laura Zawacki, MS, PT, PCS (708) 705-2173
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 8.0 - Assessment
Cost N/A
Status Closed