“But I Know I Had an Impact!” .... Accounting for all aspects of intervention when evaluating outcomes


This webinar/discussion will be focused on provider concerns that outcome data being reported at time of exit from Part C may not adequately reflect the successes young children and their families have experienced with early intervention work. We will talk about the fact that quantitative data, such as Child Outcome Summaries, are a requirement of the federal Office of Special Education Programs and help to ensure continued Part C funding by Congress. Measuring additional important factors such as small gains made by toddlers with significant delays at time of program entry is important—but how can this be accomplished? We will talk together about how qualitative information from providers and parents may be an important addition as such information may better indicate the successes within programs than a simple rating score averaged across many children at time of exit. What kinds of qualitative information do you gather and how is this reported? How are you partnering with families to build their sense of competence and joy? Please join us in this important, cross-state discussion of how you are evaluating the important work you are doing every day.

Location Webinar

Date 3/27/2018 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sponsor WestEd: National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI)
Trainer Jeffri Brookfield & Karen Finello
Contact https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RWTLNQT
Principles 6. Periodic monitoring
Credit Hours 1.0 - Intervention
Cost None
Status Closed