Case Consultation - January 2018


Case Consultation - January 2018
Relationship-based work: What does it look like?
We will explore the experience of our relationships on our interactions. How does a positive relationship impact or experience and our work? How does the other person experience it? We will discuss how relationships impact our work and how to develop our relationships in a professional and productive manner. We will talk about both the positive and negative impact of relationships in our work. We will discuss how when we can support and build positive relationships, the work can often flow productively from there.

Location CFC 11
945 W. George St #300
Chicago, IL 60657
Date 1/11/2018 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Check in 9:30 AM)
Sponsor CFC 11
Trainer Theresa Atchley, Caroyln Mika, Toyia Winfield, Madeleine Chaparro and/or Angela Rainaldi-Desmond
Contact Theresa Atchley (312) 942-7856
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.5 - Working with Families
Cost free
Status Closed