Authentic Assessment Enhancement


Authentic Assessment means slowing down in order to observe a child in the context of family routines. It also means having meaningful conversations with the child’s parent in the service of understanding his or her behavior and developmental skills and then co-creating an intervention plan. Learning how to enhance observations and interpretations from a neuroscience perspective is the primary focus of this workshop. Participants will learn about the stress response system and the ways in which indicators of stress may be presented for observation. By enhancing assessment in this way, child development professionals will be able to more fully understand a child’s unique developmental profile and in turn be able to individualize intervention.

By attending this workshop, participants will:

- Be able to define Authentic Assessment specifically in the context of Early Intervention
- Discover the most recent research on stress and its influence on early development
- Understand the ways in which neurobehavioral observation can be used to
enhance the assessment process
o Interpretation of observations
o Development of intervention services plan
o Determine appropriate tertiary referrals
- Learn about three neurobehavioral systems -- autonomic, motor, and state
o Identify indicators of stress and stability within each of these three systems
o Discuss the ways in which these systems interact and effect relationships, development and learning

Location Erikson Institute
451 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60654
Date 9/21/2017 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Check in 8:30 AM)
Sponsor Erikson Institute
Trainer Jennifer Rosinia, Ph.D., OTR/L
Contact Ben Shannon (312) 893-4464
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 5.0 - Assessment
Cost 150
Status Closed