Early Intervention: Where We've Been and Where We are Going


In this presentation we will explore the history of early intervention with specific focus on service delivery methods. We’ll look at the pros and cons of center based service delivery and natural environments. The question of whether to bring the bag-o-toys or not will be entertained. Participants will be introduced to the philosophy and principles of related to the Primary Provider Service Delivery Model. We’ll have a little fun dissecting and discussing terms and concepts such as, “transdisciplinary”, “coaching”, “natural environments” and “self-reflection”. We will acknowledge that change is not always easy or even welcomed.

Location Teleconference

Date 10/6/2015 7:30 PM - 8:30 AM (Check in 7:20 PM)
Sponsor Shining Star Therapy
Trainer Jennifer Rosinia
Contact Brian Braggs (630) 318-4280 babraggs@shiningstartherapy.com
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 0.5 - Intervention
0.5 - Working with Families
Cost free for shining star staff
Status Closed