Certification: Interactive Metronome for Pediatrics and Adults


Join us for a one day workshop leading to full Interactive Metronome(IM) Certification. IM is a cutting edge assessment and treatment tool that improves synchronization in the brain resulting in greater neural efficiency and demonstrable treatment outcomes in areas where synchronized timing in the brain is critical. The human capabilities of attending/focusing, processing information, remembering/learning, reading/writing, speaking/comprehending, controlling behavior & impulses, and coordinating motor movements are integrally linked to how well the brain can process time (temporal processing) and how well regions of the brain can work in unison to perform these tasks (synchronization). This stimulating workshop includes clinical rationale for addressing neural synchronization/efficiency, candidacy for IM, significant research findings, complete instruction regarding navigation and use of IM software & hardware, and clinical application/best practices for use with children and adults in neuro/ortho habilitation/rehabilitation and educational settings. This is an engaging course where participants interact, brainstorm, and receive a great deal of hands-­-on experience throughout the day. This is an engaging course where participants interact, brainstorm, and receive a great deal of hands-­-on experience throughout the day. Upon completion of the course, participants will be IM certified and will demonstrate working knowledge of both technical and clinical applications of the IM. Typical student-­-to-­-faculty ratio is 15:1. Contact hours are offered pending successful completion of a written exam at the end of the course.

Location Arlington Pediatric Therapy
3105 N Wilke Rd, Ste H
Arlingotn Heights, IL 60004
Date 12/5/2015 7:45 AM - 5:15 PM (Check in 7:15 AM)
Sponsor Interactive Metronome
Trainer Dara Coburn, MS, CCC-SLP
Contact Jennifer Pitts (954) 385-4660 education@interactivemetronome.com
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.0 - Assessment
1.0 - Intervention
Cost $149.00
Status Closed