Case Consultation - April 2015


Service coordinators have a unique role on the IFSP team. They engage families and introduce them to Early Intervention, they facilitate the entire process, building in appropriate service providers to determine eligibility and they help match providers to families for on-going services. SCs have a major role in the process of setting up EI services and so much of it can be behind the scenes. The case consultation discuss focused on the role of the identity of the SCs and how they support the process and make sure that they are involved with what they need to be involved in and are most often not part of the weekly experiences of providers and families working together, yet they are called in when there are challenges. Our conversation centered around listening to all of the voices and supporting the collaborative process among teams and families. It is such an ambiguous part of the role, but clearly a crucial one.

Location CFC 11
945 W. George St. #300
Chicago, IL 60657
Date 4/29/2015 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM (Check in 9:30 AM)
Sponsor CFC 11
Trainer Theresa Atchley
Contact Theresa Atchley (312) 942-7856
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.25 - Intervention
Cost free
Status Closed