Updates in Family Fees and discussions with families


Learning about and supporting families in understanding the family fees within early intervention is an on-going process. There is fundamental information which service coordinators are responsible for sharing to families and questions that they often answer for them. The family fee system often changes and is connected to insurance changes and updates at times. Staying current with those adjustments is important for all staff. This training will overview the most current information related to family fees in early intervention and offer service coordinators an opportunity to be better prepared to work with families in an important arena of early intervention delivery.

Location CFC 11
945 W. George St.
Chicago, IL 60657
Date 4/17/2015 9:30 AM - (Check in 9:15 AM)
Sponsor CFC 11
Trainer Melissa Lane
Contact Thersa Atchley (312) 942-7856 Theresa_Atchley@sbcglobal.net
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
6. Periodic monitoring
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 2.5 - Working with Families
Cost free
Status Closed