Arthogryposis; Understanding the condition and how to support children with this diagnosis


Dr. Keen presented an overview of the condition of arthogryposis, the different types, and how they effect development of motor skills.

She covered appropriate interventions for children with this diagnosis and what types of therapy are helpful in aiding children to develop functional motor skills.

Location Pact, inc. Child and FAmily Connections #5
750 Warrenville Rd.
Lisle, IL 60532
Date 2/4/2015 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM (Check in 8:30 AM)
Sponsor Child and Family Connections #5
Trainer Dr. Mary Keen
Contact Sarah Martinez (331) 481-4221
Principles 1. Support families
5. Comprehensive plans
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 0.5 - Atypical Development
0.5 - Intervention
Cost 0
Status Closed