Treatment of Children With Neuromotor Disorders


This course will expose the participant to the basics of Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT), assessment of motor disorders and how to develop a treatment plan to improve the functional skills of the children they treat. The postural system, upper extremity function and lower extremity function will be covered through didactic information, LAB and video case studies. Participants should wear comfortable clothes for LAB.

At the completion of this seminar, participants will:
Understand the basis of NDT and its application to assessment and treatment planning.
Be able to assess impairments from an NDT model of sensory motor and musculoskeletal functional analysis.
Understand the musculoskeletal requirements for postural control and how to facilitate activity and strengthening in the postural muscles.
Understand how upper and lower extremity impairments impact a child's functional and how to treat them by facilitating alignment and muscle activity through functionnal tasks.
Have been exposed to the possibilities of therapeutic adjuncts to enhance functional carry-over.

Location St. John's Hospital-Dove Conference Center
800 E. Carpenter
Springfield, IL 62769
Date 3/29/2014 8:00 AM - 3/30/2014 5:00 PM (Check in 8:00 AM)
Sponsor St. John's Children's Hospital/NeuroDevelopmental Treatment Association
Trainer Kacy Hertz, PT, C/NDT & Madonna Nas, OTR/L, C/NDT
Contact Erica Fulgenzi (217) 544-6464
Principles 3. Collaborative relationships
4. Specific IFSP goals
5. Comprehensive plans
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.0 - Assessment
2.5 - Atypical Development
8.5 - Intervention
2.5 - Typical Development
Cost $350 by March 21st; $325 by March 7th; $300 group
Status Closed