The Role of Emotions


Emotions are a function of the nervous system. Emotions are a powerful influence on early brain development. When this information is more fully understood by the people who care for and work with young children, the observation of emotional displays may used a means to interpret their behavior as well as to develop intervention strategies. Participants will be introduced to the ways in which Adverse Childhood Experiences impact adult outcomes. In this workshop we will discuss the emotional regulation system in the brain, identify the behavioral cues one might see when working with very young children that signal both regulation as well as stress. Participants will also learn helpful strategies that can be utilized in their work that will support a healthy stress response system and foster emotional regulation.

Participants attending this workshop will:

- Learn the ways in which the brain develops from the prenatal period through the first three years of life
- Understand the role of observation in the service of understanding the behavior of young children
- Describe the stress response system
- Learn about the neurobehavioral systems -- autonomic, motor, and state and the ways they interact and influence development and relationships
- Identify neurobehavioral cues that indicate stability or stress
- Define self-regulation and describe behaviors that may indicate a regulatory disorder
- Be introduced to the ways in which adverse experiences influence adult outcomes
- Co-create strategies and techniques that can be used in the service of fostering an healthy stress response system and emotional regulation

Location Baby TALK Early Head Start at Central Christian Church
650 W William St.
Decatur, IL 62522
Date 10/21/2013 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Check in 8:45 AM)
Sponsor Baby TALK Early Head Start
Trainer Jennifer Rosinia
Contact Courtney Kirk (217) 422-9930
Principles 1. Support families
4. Specific IFSP goals
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 1.25 - Atypical Development
1.0 - Intervention
2.75 - Typical Development
Cost $25
Status Closed