The ASQ-SE in EI Practice


The ASQ-SE In EI Practice

Participants will learn to administer the ASQ-SE and use the findings to guide their work with infants and families in the early intervention arena as they move from intake through the IFSP process. This in-house workshop was designed to provide new Service Coordinators with the following:
• a rationale for assessing the social and emotional competence of infants, an overview of the tool description and design
• an understanding of the relationship-building process inherent in administration
• an opportunity to practice scoring, interpreting, and determining next steps
• an understanding of how the ASQ-SE is used in the early intervention process
• resource leads for self-directed learning

Resources and References:
Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional (ASQ-SE) – Jane Squires, Diane Bricker, & Elizabeth Twombly (2002)

ASQSE in Practice – Jane Squires, Elizabeth Twombly, and Arden Munkres (2004)

Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company at

Date 9/16/2013 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Check in 9:00 AM)
Sponsor CFC 8 & 12
Trainer Mary Marovich, M.Ed.
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 2.5 - Assessment
Status Closed