Music Together Teacher Training


Research-based program

First offered in 1987, Music Together is a research-based music and movement program that provides developmentally appropriate music-making activities for children ages birth through kindergarten. During these crucial years, Music Together parent-child classes and preschool/childcare programs offer engaging experiences that allow children to develop tonal and rhythm competence with ease. It can be thrilling to teach young children and the adults who love them when it matters most.

Workshops for teachers combine philosophy and practice in a relaxed, supportive atmosphere. The number of workshop participants is limited so that each individual receives attention in program planning and song leading. The research-based theoretical structure and creative content of Music Together are presented in a thoughtful, easily understood manner.

National network

Become a Music Together teacher and join an international teaching and learning community on the cutting edge of music education. Develop relationships with teaching colleagues, create activities that delight, and get paid for doing work you love.

Location Joan's Studio
1438 East 57th St, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60637
Date 10/4/2013 9:00 AM - 10/6/2013 5:00 PM (Check in 8:30 AM)
Sponsor Music Together LLC
Trainer Dr. Lili Levinowitz
Contact Diane Stephan (800) 728-2692
Principles 1. Support families
2. Active participation
3. Collaborative relationships
8. Quality services
Credit Hours 22.25 - Intervention
2.0 - Typical Development
2.75 - Working with Families
Status Closed