Apps for Independence: The iPad as Assistive Technology


This workshop is open to 30 participants and informs them about the iPad and how it can be used as an assistive technology device for individuals with disabilities. The accessibility features of the iPad are explained and demonstrated. A variety of apps in various categories are also explained and demonstrated. The app categories can include: communication, articulation, social stories, social skills, scheduling, behavior tracking, video modeling, reading, navigation and health related apps. A variety of educations apps can also be demonstrated depending on the interests of the attendees. Working with iTunes and managing apps are also demonstrated and explained. This workshop also provides a basic introduction to the Illinois Assistive Technology Program an its projects and services. A handout is provided with resources for app recommendations, considerations for choosing apps and funding sources. A copy of the "Vincent App Rubric" for evaluating apps and a handout on i Pad basics are also provided.

Location Municipal Building West - Convention & Visitor's Bureau
200 Potomac Blvd.
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
Date 11/1/2013 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Check in 8:30 AM)
Sponsor Child and Family Connections #23
Trainer Sue Castles, IL Assistive Technology Project Training Coordinator
Contact Karen Williams (618) 378-2131
Principles 1. Support families
3. Collaborative relationships
Credit Hours 3.0 - Intervention
Cost 0
Cut Off Date 8/20/2013
Status Closed