Understanding Illinois' Systems of Payments

The purpose of this page is to provide a comprehensive list of all the forms and resources referenced in the Understanding Illinois' Systems of Payments training module.  Please remember that policies and procedures for how and when to use each of these forms can be found in the CFC Procedure Manual.

  1. Forms
  2. Resources
    1. Private Health Insurance Resources
    2. Public Health Insurance Resources
    3. Family Participation Fee Resources
    4. Insurance/Fee Resources
  3. Resource Version: Understanding Illinois' Systems of Payments


The following forms are referenced in order of appearance in the training module.


Private Health Insurance Resources

Public Health Insurance Resources

Family Participation Fee Resources

  • Family Fees Resource Page:Where you will find a variety of resources related to family fees in the Illinois Early Intervention System. Resources include policies and procedures for family fees, a questions and answers document, and a sample fee invoice.
  • Family Rights:Where you will find information as it relates to the family's role in early intervention and rights in both early intervention and special education. The Family Rights Handbook is also available for download on this resource page.

Insurance/Fee Resources

Resource Version: Understanding Illinois' Systems of Payments

A resource version of the online training Understanding Illinois' Systems of Payments has been developed for service coordinators, families and other early intervention stakeholders who have an interest in deepening their understanding of funding sources and the use of public and private insurance as well as family fees in lllinois' early intervention system.

If you have difficulty viewing a link, please email websupport@illinoiseitraining.org.